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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Anchor and Junior Sections Trip 16th May 2009

We have only three weeks till the end of session, that is just a reminder, that our Display and Presentation of Awards, is on Friday 8th May at 7pm. (that is of course ALL sections of the Company). Can I also ask once again, that if your son is not going to be at Boys' Brigade that evening could you please let us know now.

As with previous years the Anchor and Junior Section trip is on the Saturday, one week after the display, this year being, as per our calendar, Sat 16th May.

Due to other Boys' Brigade commitments for 3 of our staff on the same evening, we are unable to organise a trip, which takes us away for the day, however we hope both Parents and Boys will be happy with the organised alternative.

We have managed an arrangement with the Vue Cinema, Hamilton, to allow us a block booking on the Sat morning, at the Kids Show, followed in the afternoon by a Fun Activities Programme at the Palace Grounds Sports Facility, which will be conducted by two Sports Development Coaches, from SLC.

The boys should wear their Anchor or Junior polo shirts and we suggest they wear sports shorts under tracksuit trousers and trainers. A jacket might be required depending on weather, as we will walk from the Vue to the Palace Grounds. (we will have toilet facilities at the palace grounds, but no changing rooms)

Drop off time: between 9.30 –9.45am (no later, as we have to be seated before doors open to the general public)
Venue: outside Vue Cinema

Pick-up time: 3pm
Venue: Palace Grounds Sports Facility, outside covered pitch.

Boys may bring a drink and small snack for the cinema – NO money to be brought.

We will provide a drink and crisps, after the cinema and before the Fun Activities.

As with previous trips, a percentage of the cost is off set by the profit share from our smartie tube fundraiser. Total cost for each boy is £5; the profit share is £3, for boys who returned their tube of 20p’s.

Cost for this event will therefore be:
· £2 - if you have returned a smartie tube
· £5 – if no smartie tube.

As time is marching on, we would be obliged if you would complete the attached permission slip and return it next week with the appropriate amount of money.

We hope this meets with your approval and we’re sure the boys will have a fun day, doing something slightly different.

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